
Plant Care

A – Plants

Air Plant

  • Watering: Submerge for 1 hour once a week in dechlorinated water. Leaves will curl in at edges if too dry.
  • Soil: None! Do not put this in soil. They need good air circulation!
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect. They dry out faster in direct sunlight, and do not tolerate it well!
  • Temperature: 50-90 degrees
  • Tips: can give a very gentle fertilizer in their water once a month, very sensitive plants.


  • Watering: water when the top inch of the soil is dry. Does not like to dry completely.
  • Soil: Standard mixture, can handle slightly more moss or coco coir as they like to stay a little moist.
  • Sunlight: bright indirect
  • Temperature: 65-80 degrees
  • Tips: mature plants often send out aerial roots, making them easy to propagate from stem cuttings. Flowers can last for months at a time!

B – Plants


  • Watering: let dry completely before watering again. Can handle being dry but rot easily if wet!
  • Soil: standard mix
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect, morning sun outdoors
  • Temperature: 65-75 degrees
  • Tips: be careful not to water leaves in order to prevent disease!


  • Watering: fill cup halfway with water, then let empty almost entirely before watering again. Usually about once a week.
  • Soil: Orchid bark or a moss mixture, needs to drain
  • Sunlight: bright indirect to medium light. Sunburn easily.
  • Temperature: 60-90 degrees
  • Tips: most are epiphytes that do not need any soil, similar to orchids! In the wild, tree frogs will lay eggs in the cups of bromeliads

Boston Fern

  • Water: if the soil is at all dry to the touch
  • Soil: high peat moss/organic content, they like to stay wet
  • Light: bright indirect, shade outdoors
  • Temperature: 65-75 degrees
  • Tips: spray at least once a week in the winter; can be susceptible to low humidity

C – Plants


  • Watering: Water when the top inch of soil is moist, wilts very obviously when it needs water.
  • Soil: standard mixture is fine for this plant
  • Sunlight: prefers dappled light to morning sun (bright indirect light indoors), some varieties can handle full sun.
  • Temperature: 55-75 degrees
  • Tips: Annual outdoors and perennial indoors in most of the US. Easily propagated from cuttings, doesn’t suffer from regular minor trims for size

E – Plants

English Ivy

  • Watering: let dry completely between waterings, don’t like wet roots!
  • Soil: standard mix
  • Light: bright indirect, can tolerate low light
  • Temperature: 65-75 degrees
  • Tips: can trail or climb! Recommended to keep indoors as it can be invasive in warmer climates

H – Plants


  • Water: water when the top inch of the soil is dry
  • Soil: extra drainage (ex. Sand added), doesn’t like to stay wet
  • Light: bright indirect
  • Temperature: 60-85 degrees
  • Tips: like to be root bound! Only repot every few years. Likes high humidity, so give it a humidifier or mist regularly

L – Plants

Lady Palm

  • Water: let dry, then drench soil. End goal is evenly moist.
  • Soil: does well with slightly acidic soil, high in organic matter, good drainage. Sandy loam
  • Light: bright indirect
  • Temperature: 60-80 degrees
  • Tips: can get very large, indoors usually 6-12ft!

P – Plants


  • Watering: Water when the top inch of soil is dry. They do not like to go all the way dry!
  • Soil: standard mixtures are fine for these plants
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect
  • Temperature: 65-85 degrees
  • Tips: Philodendrons can be very sensitive to the dry air in homes and offices. Make sure to give your plant a humidifier or regular misting to keep it from getting crispy leaves. They come in upright and vining species!

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